Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Gimme A You, En, Cee, El, Ee.. Uncle.

My brother's girlfriend gave birth to a very loud (judging from the brief phone call I had with my brother) little boy this Monday. His name is Lars, and apparently now I'm an uncle.

I've had a few very strange weeks. One of my best friends came to take care of me and that was lots of fun but it kind of tossed my schedule about. Work-wise, because I had been creative in shifting my days around to be able to spend as much time with her as possible, but also comic-wise and nightlife mayor-wise. During those two weeks, all sorts of people and ideas that I was no longer really counting on hearing from crawled out of the woodwork so now I don't even know how the rest of my month will look like. I've bought a new bike (to replace the really good one that was stolen july '05) and as of tomorrow night we'll temporarily have two extra roommates in this house. All in all, things are hectic and confusing even though I've rested a LOT the past two weeks.

Gonna have to ease into the rest of December, before I can figure out how and where I am right now, methinks.