The one I appreciated best was The Straight Story. It re-inspired my own (legendary) stubbornness (because it always goes to show that enough stubornness, when thrown in a mix with enough time, can get you anywhere) and so, by Thursday evening, I was up and about, getting things done (while still coughing quite a lot) and I've been busy designing something that needs to be at the print shop early tomorrow. Well, today, really, seeing as how it's 3 30 now.
I'm still not in the best shape I've been but my head's a lot clearer than it was yesterday, the coughing's less rough and less frequent, and so I hope I can handle the upcoming Friday. It's not going to be a smooth ride, from the looks of it:
First there's the print shop, where I have to get a booklet printed, and also hand over the Str!pdagen booklet files again for a second printing (for the Probeersel.com artists only) as well as several business cards (again, for the Probeersel artists). I also have to shop for a birthday present, and then I have to be back at home by noon, because somewhere between noon and 6 the ADSL man is visiting to set my access up. I could do this myself, no doubt, but I'm ill and I have better things to do with my time than fiddle with that stuff when a pro can just come by and do this for me, for a relatively sweet price. While he (or she, but statistically these people are most commonly male) is messing with the modem and my PC I'll be perfecting a new storyboard for The Grim DotCom as well as attempting to come up with another one, so I can draw Saturday and keep the illusion of a backstash going. Then after 6 (or earlier, depending on when ADSL-man is done) I have to hurry and get all the groceries for next week in da house, and once that's done, I have to be off to a birthday party I promised I'd go to (hence the birthday shopping early in the morning). I'm sure sleep and food have a place somewhere in that schedule, too. Normally a day like that would be a piece of cake for me (hell, aren't all my days like that lately ??) but as said, I'm still ill, so I hope I can handle it all. If not, it'll be the shortest birthday visit I've made in quite a while.
Now if you'll excuse me, my head is killing me and I could use at least a little bit of sleep before all this madness commences.
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