What is wrong with the companies that release DVDs ?! They have a reputation for releasing the most obscure movies and series on DVD with little care for the commercial success, and don't even get me started on all the contemporary pulp that fills up the shelves. But god damnit, there's some quality stuff out there that isn't being released, even though enough people are calling out for it. And I know of at least two, which means that if a barely-cultured schmuck like myself knows of two, there must be thousands !
I know this blog is read by nobody and their dog, but hey, it's one of the very few places where I get to send this message out and by Jonathan Livingston Seagull's wings, I'm gonna do it. I can only hope the message reaches someone who can do something about it.
I'm talking, first of all, about Harrison Bergeron. Yes, Harrison Bergeron (different link). It's a TV movie from 1996 based on a Kurt Vonnegut story, and definately one of the most accessible and thought-provoking movies in the collection. But is it out on DVD, despite a worldwide cry out for 'why not ?!' ? Nope. Just on VHS, and only within the US territory. I've seen the movie, it was done great, and practically everyone I know, from philosopher friends to barely-educated friends, will greatly enjoy it or have already greatly enjoyed it.
Why the hell is this not out on DVD ??
And the second.. Manchild. A series still broadcasted on quality (often public) channels here in Europe. BBC released the first series on DVD but now even that is gone. And series 2, which was a lot better still, never even saw DVD daylight.
I ask you, where's the justice in this world ?

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