Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Play A Game While You Wait !

Made this today. There's 33 seperate entities that you can identify. Try and find them all :)


StatusNil said...

Well ? List them if you see them ;)

I'll give a fairly difficult one away: there's a big raindrop in there. About 4/5 of the drawing, at a little bit to the left of the center.

And the three little triangles a bit above it were supposed to be stingrays. Those are fairly difficult too. The rest should be fairly easy to spot.

So, I just gave away FOUR things ! What are the other 29 ? :)

StatusNil said...

Ok, since no one is responding, here's what you could find in the picture. I'm not saying WHERE you can find these, just THAT they're in there.

- a gnome
- a pig
- a woman
- a bird
- a bird
- a dog
- another dog
- a man running
- with a dog in his hands
- a mouse
- a cat
- a raindrop
- an owl
- an eel
- a man, sitting, thinking
- a stingray
- a smaller stingray
- an even smaller stingray
- a gun
- a horse
- a penguin
- a bird
- a skunk
- a bat
- a bird
- a squirrel
- a cobra
- a leaf
- a fish
- an apple
- an ant eater
- a shark
- a cow

That should be all 33 of them.