Sunday, May 15, 2005

The Final Countdown.

So here it is: the final roundup for the Word of the Day. The date was Saturday, May 14, and I discovered during that day (I had to travel a lot by train that day) that there in fact also is a Rotterdam edition of Metro, next to the Amsterdam one. Good grief, how many more are there ?? And they're all different ! So many editors, so many new words slipped through their fingers.. or even worse: invented by them !

So what do we have in the net for that date ?
- 'OV-tuig' (public transportation scum). Media hype word created for a catchy headline. Of a tiny article. What a waste.
- 'internetdata' (no translation required). I'm sorry folks, but 'internet data' does not differ any from other kinds of computer data. No, it doesn't. It's all just files, database results, etc.
- 'pinkpopweekend'. Pinkpop is a festival held during Pinksteren (Whitsuntide). Whitsuntide is *always* in a weekend, because the second day of that counts as another Sunday. Linguistically, this could not be a much more redundant word.
- 'papatax' (daddy tax). This is about men who knock women up and a new plan to force those men pay for the costs involved with the child, because currently young mothers simply apply for welfare and let's face fact, our government doesn't like the idea of taking care of its citizens anymore.

And the winner.. the final Word of the Day.. is: 'papatax' !!

And since I was late with this - not my fault, I had to be places and none of those places had internet access - I'll also pick the Word of the Week now. And then I'll do a happy dance because this is over. I'll be free ! FREE !!

The roundup for this week:

Monday: 'makelarees'
Tuesday: 'kruimelcriminelen'
Wednesday: 'flatscreenschermen'
Thursday: 'bonnetjesaffaire'
Friday: '25-jarigregeringsjubileumtour'
Saturday: 'papatax'

And the final, absolutely final, Word of the Week is: '25-jarigregeringsjubileumtour' !!!

Alright. This is now finally over. But I hope I made a point here: especially the media throw brand new and fairly useless words at us on a daily basis like it's popcorn from a big bowl. You should not let that go by unnoticed - some of these words very, very quickly rooted into everyday language ! And not too many people bother to stop and think about them ! So please, do the language a favor and ignore any word that doesn't actually add to it. If you all ignore them, I promise they will go away.

René's Rantz 'n Ravez will return at some point in the near future, with other things to report. Until then, and remember: don't do drugs.

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