I'm probably now expected to say something about both movies here, huh ?
Well, er, screw that. I had a great evening and I'll come back to write more about it once I figure out what I want to say about them. The only thing I'll say about it now is, if you haven't seen 'em yet, go see 'em.
The kermis (fun fair) is in town. And Tilburg has the annual honor of being the host to the biggest fair in the Benelux. 3 1/2 kilometers of every kind of ride, fair booth, candy, slot machines etc. you can expect at these things. For fifteen days. It started tonight, so we can once again expect two weeks of total craziness: the centre of town being unrecognizably swamped with at least thousands of people (last year's edition attracted millions of people grand total, to give an indication) at any given time, loud noises, flashy lights, screaming, drinking, vomiting, tacky summer hits blurting out of speakers everywhere - you guessed it: I hate it.
Can't wait till it's August and it's all over again.
The only good thing about my plugged-up left ear is that in the movie theatre, during both movies, I couldn't hear the annoying kids (I made sure to sit to the far right near speakers) and the fair didn't bother me much either as I had to cross it to get to my bike.
But in relation to the title of this post: yes, I should have been focussing on Worst Case Scenario's and the still-not-finished new storyboards for The Grim DotCom. But you know what, fuck it. I decided to have fun for one evening (and even then still came home relatively early) while everyone else keeps going on god damn vacations and shit. Even a workaholic like me deserves a little break once in a while. And if it's any consolation, I did do some thinking on both comics and you can expect that to evolve into finished results soon.
But for now, I'm going to end my fun evening with a little bit of lonely drinking downstairs and then going to bed with two cats cuddling up against me. Goodnight, folks.
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