Thursday, April 22, 2004

Summertime.. and the living is annoying...

Welp, the first signs of a rather warm month are definately here. Not just the weather - weather is weather, it can vary. The average of the weather over a month can be cold whereas the weather on some days can be scorching hot, at the same time. I'm talking a warm MONTH.
Damien begs and pleads ALL EVENING LONG to go outside. If you're stupid enough to let him out, you won't see him back until the next morning when he's at the door around 6 or 7, meowing loudly. Needless to say, I prefer the variant where he doesn't go outside since that actually allows me some SLEEP. And doesn't cause me to stand outside at 2 at night shouting his name with him nowhere in sight.
I had my first spontaneous blood nose at work on Tuesday. That usually doesn't happen until June or so, when it starts to get really hot.
The average temperature of this month so far seems high. At least judging from how many summer-like days we've had so far - which were quite a lot. I'm not complaining, it's nice, but I fear the upcoming summer now.
It's gonna hit us hard. I just know it. I hope our department finally moved out of the 5th (and top) floor to the 2nd, where the air conditioning actually WORKS... or I'll DIE this summer.

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