Alright, that's over again. I am back in the Lands Which Are Nether, and Stockholm will slowly turn into an idealized memory again instead of the city I wake up in.
We had an awful time ! The weather was horrible, we got stuck in the poorest damn part of town, we were mugged countless times, there were barely any women anywhere and the ones that were there were hideous and really nasty to us, I hated the city itself, the hotel was crap, -- I don't even know where to begin.
Or, none of the above happened. We in fact stayed at a rather luxurious hotel in the posh side of town (three blocks from a Lamborghini dealership should be a sufficient clue), the weather was - as seems to be the trend whenever I go on vacation anymore - unseasonably hot and in fact very pleasant, people were nothing but friendly and helpful to us, we had a great time, the city is an awesome place, the women.. well.. wow :) If you like women at al, you won't be disappointed in Stockholm, view-wise at least, let's just say that much and leave it there. My calves hurt like hell because the gravity there seems to have been turned up a notch compared to the Netherlands, and we walked a LOT, so I'm sure my legs are back in great shape now. The city is gorgeous, the ports are amazing places to stroll around, the museums I didn't get round to visiting inside had some great sculptures outside of international acclaim, I got a lot of really good rest and sleep, we had good times, good food, what can I say ? I had a VACATION.
The downsides ? Let's see. Liptonice is something they don't seem to have discovered yet (only the no-bubbles peach etc. variants), which was a major bummer, especially when going out. I had to settle for whiskey-cokes and usually we got Jack Daniels which is my all times least favourite poison. Comics are almost non-existant there, there's no comics scene worth mentioning that I found (admittedly I was only there for three days, and on the last night someone DID tip me off that there's a big comics store there, but I haven't had the opportunity to check it out). Vik had a bit of a nasty experience that last night with the drunk boyfriend of a girl he was chatting with.
But that's about it. The most negative experience there was having to leave, really.
The language is intriguing, I might try to learn more of it (I picked up a few words in the short time we spent there, but it still didn't even barely allow me to follow any conversations) and the currency is just INSANE. The Dollar and Euro are sort of alike, so imagine that everything 'costs' about 11 times more. That's how it goes there - you feel like a millionaire with thousands in your wallet, but it's just a few hundreds and a good night out means it's spent. Still, I didn't hold back on the spending and only ended up spending some 400 Euros worth.
There's lots more to tell, and I shot some great pictures (if they come out well) but I'm really tired and Satan's glad I'm home again (despite an excellent job from our cat sitter, the cats look in good shape !) so he's on my lap trying to get my attention. I should probably get offline. Talk with you later folks !