Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Should Have Taken The Week Off And Slept.

Good gawd.
I knew it. I KNEW IT. As soon as I woke up. It was gonna be one of those mornings, if not days, that EVERYTHING would go wrong. And I accepted it, got up against better judgement, barged right into one hellishly messy public transportation disaster trip where I had to transfer as often as you can on that trip, arrived very late at the office, tried my best to avoid impending disasters that would take more than the two days I work this week, failed at that, of course, then had to hurry to my train at six to make it home by eight, encountered the very same disaster trip, except that the train I transferred into in Utrecht split up and of course MY part went straight back the same way I came, costing me a total of an hour.
I couldn't reach our cat sitter during that time, who was supposed to come over at eight, so I called Vik to make sure he'd be home, arrived home a little after nine, no cat sitter. OF COURSE NOT. He may have tried to call, but of course, for the first time in the two+ years that we've lived here, the cats had knocked the phone off the hook in the attic, so there's no way he could have reached me. So I leave a dozen messages on his voice mail, try to reach him through any other phone number I have handy where he might be at, only end up leaving more messages, waiting, waiting, waiting. It's past midnight now, and I decided to dial in to at least check my mail n stuff. I'm drop dead exhausted, I'm facing another disaster trip tomorrow morning, and I can't really go to sleep because we NEED A CAT SITTER !!!
*breaks down, sobbing*
Why does life always have to be so fucking hard ?! WHY CAN'T ANYTHING EVER GO AS PLANNED ?!!!!

Worst part is, this train disaster stuff will continue all week, and we have to be at Schiphol rather early on Wednesday. I can just SEE this going wrong.
Worst comes to worst, we won't get to see Stockholm. It would suck, but I'll still have a five day weekend. And it would probably save me money. But it would SUCK. A free trip and I just know something will happen to prevent me from actually TAKING it.
It's raining there today, I happened to see on the broadcast. If I do miss my trip, I hope the damn city is FLOODED with rain. I'll sit home on the couch and watch the weather broadcast, drinking a nice cool drink. And there'd be no need for a cat sitter, either.
Fuck, I'm pissed off. I hate this shit. I need a vacation. *SIGH*

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