Friday, December 26, 2003

Show Me The Comics !

Well, darn - I haven't gotten round to finishing the comics page I've been working on the first half of the week, yet. I suck. But I have my reasons.
On Wednesday, I became unexpectedly busy with something that might just mean I get to combine my non-paying job with my paying one, in a way. We'll see. I won't go into further detail right now because nothing is quite sure yet, but it's worth mentioning at the least.
Then that evening me, Viktor and Jaap all went out. I was drop dead tired to begin with so by the time we got home I just poured Liptonice into my body until there wasn't anything but caffeeine running through my veins. Then I went into a rather weird night of sleep that didn't end till about 8 the next EVENING. I got up, and after a while of lazying about I cooked, ate my meal at the TV with Vik, and then felt tired again and went back to bed. I slept in till 1 30, today, too.
But really, I'm INTENT on finishing at least that one page, and if in any way possible (and I think it will be) finishing more of them, AND editing them on Sunday. The only problem there is... well, remember last weekend ? That I thought I was overbooked ? Yeah.. that's THIS weekend. Yay...

So I'm afraid I probably won't blog anymore till Monday, folks - See yas then.

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