As I'm standing here, bent over, twelve or so different roles crammed up my ass, with a mediocre-at-best paycheck, marinated in some fresh dose of stress, I can't help but wonder...
Who the hell made it acceptable for bosses / companies to pull all this crap on us ???
I mean, really, folks. Look around you at your place of employment, let it truly sink in what you're doing, then ask yourself - what FOR ??
If you have an answer you honestly feel you believe in, please let me know what yours is. I sure am starting to lack the answer here.
Anyway, I've definately not finished the new Grim DotCom page that introduces our mysterious new character, yet - I can't get his likeness right yet. It only adds more annoyance to being behind on schedule - but I'll get it right.
I'm also starting to give the Probeersel CMS more thought - to be honest, I still feel we might not have to switch to PHPnuke but can salvage the situation by developing the original application I had up, further. Perhaps I'm deluding myself, but I think PHPnuke is just waaaaayyy too general in setup - is such a specific environment that we'll likely be developing a shitload of new plugins to accomodate anyway, so why not just go for a more specifically designed (though plugin-enabled is nice, might want to look into incorporating that) application that meets our needs more exactly ?
Ahwell. I'm no developer, when it comes down to it, and I *have* put the matter in Gregory's and Tom's hands, so I really should just trust their judgement. But I personally would be sad to see the current setup completely gone. I think it works in many, many ways, and quite well - if you'll pardon the bugs that are still in there.
Who knows. Maybe I'll strap on my coding shoes once more and give it another go. It couldn't hurt, I suppose. But FIRST, René, FIRST catch up with your damn comic.
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