Monday, December 22, 2003

Thar She Blows ! Thar, Thar ! Tha-haar.. No, Thar. Look !

I was mistaken. The Weekend From Hell is NEXT weekend.
Yes, that's when my brother's gf's celebrating her bday, and that's when the sunday thing hijacks most of my Sunday. I found all this out much to my surprise.
Let me quickly run this by you slowly - there's some aspects to my life involved in these tales that I might not have gotten into before, so I really should tell you more.
Friday evening I spent editing and editing and editing some more, because I finally finished the character design on the new character. The episode will appear online somewhere halfway February and you should really keep an eye out for it - the new character will be interesting, AND it's definately someone you know.
In any case, I'm very glad I got that done - the next step is that in the next page, this new character *is* the only character starring in it. That's gonna be interesting to do when I've only drawn this person successfully once so far.
Having said that, I retired early on Friday night (didn't end up going out) because I was quite tired, slept quite long, and got up at a very reasonable hour on Saturday to go to 's Hertogenbosch and try to find a good present. There I heard there was a big signing session with a lot of well-known comic authors the next day, which of course I really should have gone to because I know like half of them and it would have been fun to just chill. But I'll get to that.
I missed two opportunities to go to Breda (where my brother and his gf live) and by the time I would have been able to go it would have been 9 30, which means I wouldn't have been at their place until about 10 30, and then I'd probably have to hurry straight back to catch the last train back to Tilburg, so I figured it wasn't worth the trouble anymore and called them to explain I wasn't going - they replied, oh, but it's NEXT week, man. ARGH.
So after thinking 'DAMNIT' I suddenly realised I had an unexpected evening completely to MYSELF. I spent the first part of it watching some stupid movie (I think it was Dungeons & Dragons or some other lame-ass Star Wars / Lord Of The Rings / Indiana Jones-combo ripoff crap flic) and when he decided to turn in for the day I made an impulsive decision to go to the Cul de Sac.
Right - I'm wondering now, how much have I ever posted here about this bar ? You have to understand that in the past decade I've gone through about a gazillion Great Changes. There are people in the world that have been through a lot more but I've definately had more than my share of life-altering situations and choices. And from the moment I went to Tilburg - well, technically, from the third day I ever spent in Tilburg - the Cul de Sac was there as a sort of home base for the turbulence that my life was otherwise. It was called ZOAP back in those days, but half a year later it became Cul de Sac and in the end, nothing much has changed except the name. It's a rock version of Cheers really - in the sense that everyone knows everyone (and sometimes they're glad I came).
I hung out there for a while - thought I recognized the Mystery Girl there, but she looked different, so I wasn't sure; I ended up asking this girl if she studied Philosophy, and her shaking her head pretty much verified that it wasn't her.
I have the usual anecdotes from that evening - my favourite is that I walked into the bathroom, two guys were occupying the peeing section and one guy was very busy looking into the mirror. He pulled me next to him and told me to look. I was like, ummm ok - what are we looking at ? as he pulled expression after expression. So he replies "I'm trying to impress this girl, which look works best for me ?" --- you can't make stuff like this up, man. THIS IS MY LIFE.
Then there was an employee 'afterparty' which is always fun. I got to hang out as well which was cool - got home at about 7 30.
That caused most of my Sunday to be spent asleep - then I caught up with some Worst Case Scenario because Joep's been slacking on the Lord of the Rings theme week (as semi-expected) and ended up doing some site management work (with aid of Sionnain I might mention) and I concluded my weekend with some sleep.
So now I'm sitting in the office with only half a week ahead of me (Xmas and all, you know) and I don't even feel like THAT. But at least you're all caught up with the eternal nonsense again that my life is made up from.

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