I'm exceptionally artistic!
Find your soul type at kelly.moranweb.com.
You have an instinctive personality
You rely on your intuition in the same way that others rely on their knowledge or their feelings. Therefore, you perceive things that they don't see. You are daring and innovative because you follow your instincts. When comes the time to take a decision, you not only rely on your own intuition, but on people who give you relevant and inspiring information. In the end, though, that gut feeling (which, not coincidentally, is often your first decision) wins. Your clothing style is unique and original, but you're not maniacal about cleanliness and order. And you don't have an innate sense of time and delays.
What kind of thinker am I ?
You are a Spatial Thinker
Spatial Thinkers:
- Tend to think in pictures, and can develop good mental models of the physical world
- Think well in three dimensions
- Have a flair for working with objects
Careers which suit Spatial Thinkers include
Mechanic, Photographer, Artist, Architect, Engineer, Builder, Set designer
You are an Interpersonal Thinker
Interpersonal thinkers:
- Like to think about other people, and try to understand them
- Recognise differences between individuals and appreciate that different people have different perspectives
- Make an effort to cultivate effective relationships with family, friends and colleagues
Careers which suit Interpersonal thinkers include
Politician, Psychologist, Nurse, Counsellor, Teacher
What kind of cat I am ? Glad you asked...

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