Thursday, October 16, 2003

I called it.. it's another insanely quiet day. Sometimes I really hate how this job can jo-jo: times of floodings of things to do, and then wham, times of dead air. Ahwell. Should probably be carpe'ing the hell out of this diem, but I feel like bitching about it.
I guess it's similar to one of my least favourite - and I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in this - part of commuting. Or going to a doctor (not that I'm ever ill enough). Or tons of other things with one specific quality: I hate waiting.
When you're waiting, after a while the realisation creeps up that you could be spending this time otherwise if you didn't have to wait for whatever you're waiting for. Then the thing you're waiting for becomes an object of annoyance and even hate, even though it might not be that bad in itself. It's the waiting - the knowledge that you're wasting valuable time of your life away in useless suspence. And for what ?
Ask yourself this, next time you're waiting for something: If I hate this so much, why am I doing it ? Who is making me ? Why am I waiting ? And if the answer doesn't sound INCREDIBLY stupid to you if you give it some thought, perhaps you'll find the wait less unpleasant.
Going home - or to work - is an unpleasant wait for me. It involves cutting valuable sleep time short (which is always bad, bad, evil !!) and waiting unnecessary amounts of time befure I can walk into the office. It's worth it in the sense that I often feel (kind of) useful in the office. And the commute itself isn't too bad either - as long as you're moving, it's alright. But the endless waits on perrons and bus stops - THOSE annoy the hell out of me. I'm not a car person, but at those times I can see the charm of independent transport over public transport.
And it's even worse if the day at the office is nothing but waiting for stuff to do. My talents for wasting my life away don't limit themselves to the office environment - I can do that just fine at home, too.
Ahwell. Only about 7 more hours of waiting, then I can commute home and do just that.

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