Wednesday, October 15, 2003

Soon I'm catching my train home.
I realise most journals and logs start 'on the fly' and you never really figure out what the writer is referring to when he/she talks about stuff from their personal life. So I'll attempt to be complete, for those few of you that might be reading this that don't actually know me.
I work in Amsterdam. If the Netherlands can be resembled to a running man or animal (and it kind of can) then Amsterdam is like a zit on its shoulder. I live in Tilburg. That's kind of the anus. Even though it's not exactly the largest distance there is in the world to commute, it's still the other side of the country and it's a pretty long train ride.
But I'm not complaining. I can catch up on my sleep, or read, or even draw; I've mastered the art of drawing in moving vehicles. It's not easy, but with a little concentration it can be done quite well.
Why - people ask me often enough - would I want to work that far away from home ? Because I have the kind of job I've always dreamed of. I am a webdesigner, in a department full of reasonably creative, and far from bureaucratic, geeks, and my job is dead easy. It pays reasonably, which takes care of the necessity of paying rent, and the bills for Besides that, there's usually room for a few jokes, pranks and laughs, and often I can use whatever 'spare' time I get during the day to keep an eye on any related e-mail or draw (parts of) comics. This saves me a lot of time - which, however, is a meager compensation to the time the commute steals from me on a daily basis.
If I could have the exact same situation closer to home, that'd be pretty damn ideal. But I'm really not complaining. It's a matter of being flexible with your time and finding your own balances and routines, if you master those it's a good life no matter what happens. And I'm pretty sure I'd miss these folks if/when I ever go work anywhere else.
Kinda sure.
A bit sure.
Ok, odds are, I'll get restraining orders when I quit so they won't be allowed to visit or get anywhere near me. And I'll change my phone number. And I might hire a hit man to make extra sure I never hear from them again. Oops, did I type that out loud ?

The last ten minutes of my day have arrived. Later folks.

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