Well, I finally did it: I am now also part of the blogging, webjournalling, whatnot online community. I started my own blog.
I'm René van Densen, Dutch, webcomic artist on www.probeersel.com and I'm not gonna pretend I have anything interesting to say. I am, however, going to rant, bitch and complain all over the place, coz I'm just that kind of guy.
So if you're actually interested in what a 25 year old comic artist has to say about himself, his life and the world... well, you're nuts, really. But that's ok. Plenty of cages in this zoo we call Earth. So keep reading.
If you couldn't give a rats ass about what I have to say, hey, no one told you to read this. Go do whatever other insignificant stuff you were going to do instead of peeking in my blog. go. shoo.
Let the nonsense commence.
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