Thursday, February 03, 2005

Another late round of the media.

I decided to give up on the last day of my working week as well. Amsterdam just feels a bit too far away when you're still capable of coughing up half of the pizza you ate last night, you know ? And when your nose produces enough - ok, I'll save you the gory details. Let's just say that, although I am getting better every day, it was probably in the best interest of my clients, my colleagues, and everyone in the Netherlands who travels on the same trains as I do, that I stayed home one more day. So, again, I made sure to sleep in some, and left my body to do what it does well. On a positive note: I haven't worn my illness acceptance sweater yet. Yes, you read that right. I have one sweater, just one, and it's a hideous thing if you ask me, but righteously and poetically so. I must have had the thing for some fifteen years or so, as well, and it's probably one of the least-worn pieces of clothing in my closet. I only wear it when a germ gets me to finally buckle down and admit to myself 'ok, you know what, this is nuts, you are sick and cold and you need to dress WARM now - admit defeat and ride it out.' So whenever you see me walking around in a really dorky, greyish, squiggly-horizontal-lined, middle-aged square man type sweater, you should steer clear because I'm carrying dangerous biological weapons on me that haven't completely been neutralized yet. I'm not ready to admit defeat just yet right now, though, so the sweater's still in the closet where it belongs.

Ahhhh.. that felt nice, actually. Blogging about something else than the Word of the Day. If you know me at all you know I *hate* routines and always try for variations in everything. But, meanwhile, it *is* business as usual today, so I should also start the search for the ever elusive Word of the Day.
On a positive note: Metro published an article about the fatal victims of the tsunami, and what term did they use ? "Het officiƫle aantal Nederlandse dodelijke
slachtoffers van de tsunami in Aziƫ" - translation: the official number of Dutch fatal victims of the tsunami in Asia. Now, I realise it was Spits, not Metro, that introduced the word 'Tsunamidoden' about two weeks ago, but still, I like it when I read these kinds of things. That's what they are, folks, NOT 'tsunamidoden'.
Will return later today with whatever oddly chosen label I might be able to scrounge up from today's newspaper articles.

Edit: ok, that didn't take long, about fifteen minutes in fact, and same newspaper. Either I'm easily satisfied today (aka lazy) or they're making it very easy for me.. Metro, Metro, Metro.. I had such high confidence in you today. You were doing so well. You carefully avoided 'tsunamidoden'. Then there was a small follow-up article on another old news item where you carefully avoided 'stoeptegelincident'. Nicely done ! But then you got overly confident, when you got to an article about the Dutch area known as the Noordoostpolder, where there are apparently large-scale thefts of hydrangea (in Dutch: hortensia's) and you mention the words 'hortensiadieven' (hydrangea thieves) and 'hortensiaplunderingen' (hydrangea plunderings). I am so disappointed in you ! I know I'm ill, but damn, if you *are* going to contain the Word of the Day, at least make it a challenge to find, and also don't make me pick between two words in the same teenie tiny article.

The winner of the day, big thanks to the Metro (who I'm not angry with, just saddened by) is... hortensiaplunderingen.

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