Thursday, February 10, 2005

Comment on my little mission...

On the GeenStijl blog, some guy who calls himself NoCigar (wow, I do admire the originality some people display in choosing their online pseudonyms so) decided it was necessary to comment on my Word of the Day rants, specifically the last entry:

Verder keek ik even naar het blog van een van de amateur-tekenaars: in sukkelig, gebroken en slecht Engels klagens over de taalverloedering m.b.t spyware: nl. mensen die de term "anti-spyware software" gebruiken uitmaken voor 'morons' en zelf VMBO-Engels gebruiken.
Zinloze Flapdrol.

Let's review, shall we ? To translate:

I also took a quick look at the blog of one of the amateur comic artists: complaining in clumsy, broken and bad English about the degradation of language in regards to spyware: to call people who use the term "anti-spyware software" 'morons' while using first-grade English himself. Useless turd.

Interesting is that the word 'klagen' got a completely useless 's' added to it, clearly indicating the level of intelligence of this commenter. He (or she ? Nah, I may not hold the intelligence level of most women in very high regard, but the dumb style it was written in clearly exhibits the male psyche in all its monstrosity) also completely fails to recognize what I'm trying to do: the Dutch language is getting swamped lately in useless labels, often badly constructed, unclear in intuitive meaning, and mosttimes consisting of words put together that could just as easily be kept apart in seperate terms. I'm not a language purist, and I believe a language has to develop and grow with time, but especially the media are overdoing it, so I'm nominating here, on a daily basis, words that I completely fail to see the use of. In the case of 'antispyware software' (note that there was no dash used in the word from the article I quoted, in contrast to what this fella NoCigar makes of it) could easily be solved as 'software die spyware tegengaat' or other combinations of common, already accepted words. We do not need the term 'antispyware software', folks, we really don't.
But hey, it's a free country, let him think what he wants and say it, too. I'm completely in favour of that. In fact, the erroneous assumption that my English is of the most base level doesn't even bother me, but I thought I'd point out once more what I aim to do here.
Thank god it is a free country and I'm free to do on my own blog what I damn well please. If anyone else has a problem with it, I would like to comment I couldn't fail to care more strongly than I do now. You don't have to read it. Continue to read media articles filled with useless labels, please. I won't stop you. I'm merely taking notes here.

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