Tuesday, November 04, 2003

Again, too little time to get into detail.

Sorry folks, again I can't tell you EVERYTHING that's happened because there's just too much to tell again. Who knows, perhaps someday I'll regurgitate all the events, but not right now - too busy living my vacation to stop and recite it ;) Besides, you're only allowed on a pc in this cafe for half an hour...
However, I'll give you a few highlights and just leave ya curious for more..
I've bought a prepaid cellphone to be more readily available to a few people I intend to meet around these parts. I got an australian hat to protect myself a little bit from the gorgeous weather it's over here.. it's hot !! it's like mild summer weather, it's amazing.. in November !!
I got a free bicycle - yes, really. I won't tell the story now but it's funny :)
Got to browse the local comic book store but couldn't quite find what I was looking for, however, they might know more later in the week. And yesterday evening I hooked up with an australian and a british guy and we went barhopping - it was loads of fun :)
So, don't worry about me, I'm getting set up for a good and convenient time around these parts (after all, a bike and a cellphone, I can already pass for a local), and I'm having a blast.
Thinking about going by the museums today, but then again, it might be another gorgeous day, so I might also just opt for going to one of the two rivers and sit there in the sun and draw, while there still is gorgeous weather like this shining down on us.
I love Philly !! René out ;)

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