Obviously I'm referring to The Matrix: Revolutions in the title. And can I just say: WOW.
I went to the first show here in Philly, 12 45 in the afternoon, and it blew my mind. It's exactly as I suspected: there's a pattern to the third movie too, and it ties the other two storytelling blocks together. I'm not entirely sure how aware the Wachowsky brothers are of this, but I see patterns in their epic tale that I'm not even sure anyone else has spotted yet. And I was patiently awaiting this third movie because if my suspicions were right, people would be discussing these very patterns still ten years from now. And they will. Or if they won't, they should, because it's insanely genious.
A short summary of my perception to explain the above: The first movie is about, well, obviously, the Matrix, and the thinking of the machine world in ones and zeros, yes and no, choices, either this OR that, never another option. Neo, of course, represents the human psyche that simply doesn't reason as coldly logically as that but always sees more potentials and options. But look at the movie closely and observe that the plotlines twist in a 1-0 style, too - I kid you not ! It's constantly the following of options until, of course, Neo revives and becomes a big surprising third option.
Second movie: everyone's been critisizing that this movie's scenes are unneccessary longwinded, seemingly randomly staged after each other, etc. --- well, what's the movie's point ? CAUSALITY. The seemingly random sequence of events - ahhhhh... you beginning to see patterns now, too ?
And so the third movie.. I'll admit, I was well beyond the first half hour of the movie before I finally caught the pattern, though it was so obvious and - in a non-cliché way, in a BRILLIANT way - predictable. I really should have predicted it, because it was too damn inevitable that that would tie the two earlier patterns together: BALANCE. It's yin and yang, man, seriously. The scenes follow Neo, then Smith, or the machines, then the humans, etc. etc. the entire movie through. And what does the Oracle say ? Balance and imbalance. And watch the epic final fighting sequence between Smith and Neo, when they twirl through the air - if there ever was a more perfect human depiction of Yin and Yang, I haven't heard of it.
I'm sorry if people disagree with all this or don't see it, because it's there. I'm not imagining it, this trilogy is built like no other trilogy I've ever seen anywhere. It's art. Even beyond the incredible rollercoaster ride it is to begin with.
Oh, and I fixed my bike n stuff. And had a good day. But I didn't bother to go see anything else anymore after Revolutions, I just think it would have paled in comparison. Tomorrow the rest of the city, the museums, and whatever crosses my path, will get another chance.
Later folks ! Go watch Revolutions. Don't be afraid to email me your own thoughts on it, either. René out.
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