Remember (if I mentioned it at all) that cute little idea I'd been walking around with for a year and a half and put a teenie bit of time into on the last day of previous year (in other words, a few weeks ago) ? Yeah.. Our department wants a full and ready research/business case ready within two months. Because I told my boss something about the current situation that could quite seriously harm the organisation and he's not allowed to ignore it.
So now he has me writing this stupid document on top of my other work, and even though the subject, technically, is comics, it's such BORRRRRRRRRRRRRRINGGGGGG work. I never thought I could loathe working with comics, professionally, this much. Beugh.
Anyway, I have about 50 minutes to finish the last 3 pages of the first version of the draft - after that I have a meeting with a colleague who's gonna help me out a bit because I don't have the first idea on how to write a friggin' business case. It's not like I've done this shit before...
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