Wednesday, January 07, 2004

Small Fit Of Nostalgia.

da pool table!

da video room!

where we kept da booze!

where women kept staying up with me

the NICE dorm that was locked.. we all got the Bear Cave

Sudden bout of semi-nostalgia of Philly.. been soo busy since the beginning of November that it now seems YEARS ago that I was there (as opposed to less-than-two-months). I'll go back there again - someday. Not soon again though. And I intend to save up first this time - the Bank Street Hostel was an ok place to crash but I really want to be able to sleep in, and to be able to return to my room during the day if I want.
Ahwell. A little shout out to the cool people ! *raises coffee cup* To my friends !
Ok, back to work again now.

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