Saturday, March 20, 2004

*Head swimming*

Woa... I'm being bombarded with bad stuff happening to people around me. It's getting really scary !!!!!
First there was Greg who is suffering from some kind of illness that the docs can't give him any answer on, let alone a cure. His body and mind are playing mean tricks on him and it sucks to see him this way. He's a pretty damn cool guy when you get to know him so he deserves a lot better than this crap.

Then there's a reasonably close colleague of mine.. 22 years old, and his parents and kid sister got killed in a car crash just last Monday. I can't even imagine how he must be feeling. The funeral is, well, hours from now. Just like that, bam, a huge chunk of your life, gone. I'm 25 and I don't consider myself too ridiculously fond of my parents, but I still couldn't imagine how that would be. It would chop away such a huge chunk of your life, out of nowhere. No chance to say goodbye or anything.. and he's actually CLOSE with his family, so it must be such a damn.. shock, to say the least. I don't think there's a word for such a feeling, which I suppose is a good thing.. but still.. damn..

And now Sionnain's gotten kicked out of her house. Just like that. She has nowhere to go and she has no clue what's going to happen to her. Can people just do that, just like that ? No notice, not even the slightest bit of help, just, wham, you don't live here anymore and we don't want to know you, have a good life, bye ? Holy crap... I hope things turn out ok fast.. because she has me worried as hell now..

Mom, dad.. I just want to take this post to say this. I'm not the closest to my family that there ever was, but I'm damn glad stuff like this never happened to me. You guys were always there for me when I needed you, which, I'm also glad to say, wasn't too often. I'm glad nothing scary like the stuff happening to Greg has hit me in life. I'm glad you guys never kicked me out and our fights were never severe enough to render me homeless. And I'm damn glad you guys are still here. Be careful with yourselves. I know you guys haven't lately understood much about what I'm trying to do with my life, the world,, but I intend all this to turn out in a way that'll make you damn proud. And I'm careful with my own life in the process. And it's very comforting to know that - despite my constant care to prevent even getting CLOSE to that - if things were ever to go really wrong, you guys would be there for me. I wish parents like you for anyone, anyday.

Sionnain... be well. I hope things start working out better for you soon. Or that your family comes around after all. Because this is just madness. I also hope that if anyone reads this and can help out in any way, please, do. I'd help out myself but she's on the other side of the globe from me and I don't have any means to help in this situation. I would if I could - besides having a great talent for art, she's a great person and stuff like this shouldn't be happening to her.

Greg - I've told you this time and time again, but I hope stuff works out for you too, man.
And to my colleague.. I don't think you'll be online at all, and too much stuff will likely be coming your way right now to pay any attention to this lil' blog of mine, but I just want to write this anyway. I'm terribly sorry for your loss - everyone who knows about it is. I'm here for you if you need to talk or anything, and if you need help in any way, don't hesitate to ask.
I was planning on going to the funeral but all this news has REALLY worn me down now. I don't think I'm getting out of bed at all tomorrow. I don't want to be awake in a world like this.

Count your blessings folks. I for one have an unfair amount of them and if I'd believe in a higher power I'd pray it would stay that way.

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