Wednesday, March 31, 2004

And Then The Storm Passed.

All's quieting down again at work, and it was about time. I put in two hours of overtime the past two days, which doesn't sound like a big deal except most of that was on Monday and I have to commute across the country to get home, so, despite the Daylights Savings Time (which started here in the Netherlands last Sunday), I managed to get home at the dark time of the evening, again. Yay me. And yesterday I was just too damn tired to do anything anymore when I got home, so I'll just say it here: No Progress On The 'The Grim DotCom' Storyboards. Alright ? Ok.

Might try my hand at them again tonight - I did manage to map out a revised version of the storyline-red-thread for the next 20 episodes or so, so at least I have, per episode, a section of the story to work with. Now for each page itself, with its own wit, pacing and punchline. Ugh. Annnnd of course I have to somehow pull at least one of these unwritten episodes, drawn, edited, lettered and coloured, out of my ass before Sunday if I want to preserve the 2 week backstash that I currently have. I weep and nostalgically remember having had half a year's worth, at some point. I need to get my hands free for a while and kick this comic block out the door. Don't give up on me folks, I'm still ahead of the deadlines (after all, there's still fresh episodes appearing right on time) and I'll rebuild my backstash yet.

I happened upon a few new ideas for Worst Case Scenario that I found intriguing - let's just say they have something to do with finishing reading the Franz Kafka book 'The Metamorphosis' (although I read a Dutch, not an English translation). I'm gonna try and hit the library sometime this week to see if I can find more Kafka books, because I kinda found a pattern that I very willingly mocked. WCS is such a versatile concept. It's great, really.

Tomorrow the Matrix: Revolutions DVD comes out. Also, 'my' bar Cul de Sac celebrates its 5th birthday. Why do these things always happen in months where I have less money to spend ??? Ahwell. I'll work it out by not spending anything anymore on food, toiletries, clothes, and other stuff I really don't need *smirks*.

Sionnain seems to have settled in ok-ishly at her 'new' place so far. I'm glad to see there's at least some stability there now - not just from a friend's point of view, but also because she was making good progress on some of her comics and I can't wait to see what she's going to surprise all of us with.

And finally - it's been ridiculously nice weather here. Like it's July. And I have to spend all that time indoors, with computers and servers and web-applications. Where did I go wrong in life ?
Thank god for smoking. All smokers are banned out of the building so we go sit outside in the sun and celebrate our little habit. Life can be really good sometimes.

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