Thursday, March 11, 2004

Think I Have Too Much Free Time ? I'm Not Alone.

Ok, here's a little response to something that caught my eye while browsing my usual online information sources. (It will not surprise people who know my surfing habits a bit better that it was a headline advertised from
Freelance writer Katharine Miller wrote a collumn on about a new phenomenon: Technosexual.
Good grief. The boil-down version of the story: after people invented the word 'metrosexual' for heterosexual people who nonetheless have anti-stereotypical class in dress style and are not insensitive to activities with a bit more cultural quality to them (in other words, things that, again stereotypically, are usually attributed to gay men), now a word is invented to seperate the geeks from the men with toys: Technosexual. A technosexual man is someone who's classy and cultural but just insane with collecting electronic crap. A geek in sheep's clothes. No longer is it therefore necessary to dress geeky, wear thick glasses, have a dorky haircut, braces, big ears, zits, drool over Lara Croft etc. if you like your gadgets, no, you can have class and yet play with your damn PDA at the same time. Because people invented a whole new label. In fact, a website has been started to help share information on how to combine class and circuits. Yes, this is what the world needs. I am so happy. At least now we can all start throwing our money down the drain even more because there's A LABEL THAT DEFINES US.
Damnit, folks, here's my response. No doubt you were waiting breathlessly for it.
Do I really need to emphasise ? Geeks, nerds, dweebs, yuppies, dorks, losers, hipsters, class acts, --- with the exception of people who ACT their label, do you really know anyone who naturally fits one of the millions of existing labels completely ? And do we realise there are millions of these labels ? There's only 6 billion people on this volleyball we call Earth and we need to seperate them all into convenient, surveyable labels. That's just stupid. And what's next ? Since metrosexual was a word invented to seperate the real gay men from the gay men who happen to be straight, are we now also going to get bombarded with a word for gay geeks ? No, wait, Miller already explores other options: what about the women ?
*sighs* Folks. Get a grip. Be yourself. And gadgets are stupid if you ask me. Use them if they really convene your life because that's what they're for. When you start to consider them a lifestyle the marketing people have you. You will never get rid of their grip to spend your money endlessly on accessories, software, upgrades, etc. if you continue to see them that way. They're TOOLS. You know ? Like putting two wooden boards together with your hammer. I know Al Bundy did so love his hammer, but man. Smarten up.
If anyone wants to have a good laugh, just read the damn article.

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